Event type: Colloquium

Taking place: Online- via Zoom

Event dates: 27 January 2022, 5:30PM – 7:00PM
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The Covid-19 pandemic has been accompanied by the circulation of a significant volume of mis- and dis-information globally. Rumours and conspiracy theories about the virus itself and the vaccination campaign that followed spread widely, particularly online. This panel explores the trends in disinformation relating to the pandemic and asks how much is new, how concerned should we be about levels of disinformation, and whether historical research might suggest solutions.


The Panel:

  • Alex Aiken (Executive Director for Government Communication, Cabinet Office).
  • Jo Fox (Principal Investigator, AHRC COVID-19 rumours in historical context project, Dean of the School of Advanced Study, London).
  • Peter Knight (Principal Investigator, AHRC Infodemic: Combatting COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories project, Professor of American Studies, Manchester).
  • Ed Pertwee (Media monitoring and analysis for the Vaccine Confidence Project, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine).

Chaired by Philip Murphy (Director, History & Policy, Institute of Historical Research, London).


All welcome:

This event is free to attend, but booking is required. It will be held online with details about how to join the virtual event being circulated via email to registered attendees 24 hours in advance. Please book here.